This was an exciting year for Releasing Eagles in the Media and Public space. What could have been the most trying time during year 2 of the pandemic, with many organizations taking extra precaution, saw many opportunities open up for us, as long as we were open to doing things differently. 

These are some of the interviews we were able to secure this year and as a result, we have seen much interest in our organization, as we hope to attract the right individuals as well as potential partners.

29 June 2021– Dinique, Aluthando and Megan on EKSE Live @CapetownTV DSTV Channel 263

22 September 2021Candice Booysen on Warrior Woman with Leigh-Anne Williams- GoodhopeFM – Take a listen here

17 October 2021 Tracy Constant on Breakfast with Sara-Jayne King- Cape Talk 567AM – Take a listen here

18 November 2021 – Candice, Megan, Lance and Hlengiwe on Lunch with Marco -CCFM – Watch the interview here

Our YouTube Channel has launched and we continue to strive to bring you engaging content. Please check out our Interviews with our Life Coaches thus far.

A big thank you to Candice and Natasha (Marketing) for your continued support… Megan Edwards