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[apus_story title=”My Story” name=”Karen Nugent ” disease=”Breast cancer – Stage III” description=”My journey with breast cancer started in November 2004. I was devastated, scared and numb when I found out I had cancer. At the time, I was 48 and thought that I was healthy.

I immediately started researching doctors and treatments. I found a surgeon near my home outside of Savannah, Georgia to remove the tumor. After the surgery, I consulted with a local oncologist and radiologist. The doctors were so impersonal. They didn’t want to listen to a word I was saying.”]

[apus_title_heading style=”black”]How can we help?[/apus_title_heading]
[apus_boxinfo title=”Learn how we treat cancer” description=”Many patients underestimate how dramatically cancer can affect them, physically and emotionally” button_url=”#”][apus_boxinfo title=”Discover how we make getting here easy” description=”Many patients underestimate how dramatically cancer can affect them, physically and” button_url=”#”]
[apus_boxinfo title=”Explore what makes us different” description=”Many patients underestimate how dramatically cancer can affect them, physically and emotionally” button_url=”#”][apus_boxinfo title=”Find tips for managing cancer” description=”Many patients underestimate how dramatically cancer can affect them, physically and emotionally” button_url=”#”]
[apus_boxinfo title=”See insurance plans that work” description=”Many patients underestimate how dramatically cancer can affect them, physically and emotionally” button_url=”#”][apus_boxinfo title=”See options for metastatic brain tumors” description=”When you arrive at our hospital, the neurosurgical team will review your symptoms ” button_url=”#”]
[apus_title_heading style=”black”]Charity heart gallery[/apus_title_heading][apus_gallery columns=”4″ style=”border” images=”606,607,608,609,610,611,612,613,614,615,616,617″]
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